
American Truckers Offer Advice to Other Drivers for Labor Day Holiday Travel and Beyond

Labor Day is expected to see over 30 million drivers on the road according to a recent press release from American Trucking Associations. They have also issued some very useful travel safety tips for your holiday weekend travel. The advice comes from an organization that has over 37,000 members who are on the road every day as part of their job. They clearly have the experience to give helpful advice to everyone heading out on the road either for a holiday weekend trip, or a trip at some other time of the year. Keep in mind that spending some time preparing for your trip can save you a lot of heartache after it starts. The first tip is that preparing ahead of time before getting in your car is important.

Check your car even before you get in it for a long trip. You want to make sure your vehicle is safe to transport yourself and your loved ones. If there are any signs of leaks, make sure you get these fixed before traveling. The press release also stresses keeping up on your scheduled maintenance such as radiator and cooling systems’ scheduled checkups. After your car is prepared, prepare yourself as the driver. Make sure you have looked at a map and detailed directions for where you are going. The press release suggests this even if you have someone riding with you to read the directions. Remember they might fall asleep, and as the driver you should know where you are going regardless.

When driving, beware of other drivers as you approach exit ramps, if you are in tourist areas you might find drivers trying to cut over two or three lanes at the last minute to get to their exit they almost missed. Another item to be aware of when you are driving is trucks. Remember they have significant blindspots, try to avoid remaining in these blind spots by speeding up or slowing down. The press release stresses, if you look into the truck driver’s mirrors and can’t see him, he can’t see you either.

The press release suggests driving cautiously. This means making your indications well known by using your turn signals in advance of lane changes and turns. Honor the use of signals by other drivers as well. If a truck is trying to change lanes it is very risky trying to speed up to get around it as the driver may not see you. In the end the minute you save is not worth risking the truck driver, yourself, an any passengers. cek ongkir ekspedisi

Driving cautiously also means anticipating problems. If you have a yield sign, do not assume that traffic will allow you onto the highway. Make sure you do as the sign says and yield, again a minute or two at the most is not worth risking your safety and the safety of others over. As you approach construction areas be very careful. Lanes may be marked with cones that are not aligned correctly and you may need to swerve. Check traffic around you, and drive at a cautious speed in these areas so you have time to react.

If you examine your vehicle before you leave for your destination, make sure it is up to date with regularly scheduled maintenance, drive considerately of others, and cautiously you will do your part to improve safety on the road. Not only will yourself and your passengers be safer, but so will everyone else that is sharing the road with you.

Prnewswire.com. “Professional Drivers Offer Highway Safety Tips for Labor Day Holiday”.

  • Published On : 4 years ago on March 1, 2021
  • Author By :
  • Last Updated : March 11, 2021 @ 11:56 am
  • In The Categories Of : Business